The Bialy Valley is full of mysteries and natural-historical curiosities. Few people know that in the 1950s it was closed and Soviet troops searched for uranium ore there. The adits they abandoned still exist today. Fortunately, the deposits turned out to be too poor and today we can enjoy a hike through the valley, which was carved by the White Stream, one of the most unruly Tatra streams. The Path over the algae runs through the upper floor of the valley - so you can walk from here to Sarnia Skała or towards Kalatówki and Kuźnice. In particular, the option of a loop covering the White Valley, Sarnia Skała and Strążyska Valley is an excellent suggestion for an unhurried day trip from the White Sheep.
The entrance to the Bialy Valley is 2 km from our guesthouse, reached by a picturesque section of the Droga pod reglami.